For Exchange Rates historical timeseries data:
Time unit | Period identifiers |
Second | 1SEC, 2SEC, 3SEC, 4SEC, 5SEC, 6SEC, 10SEC, 15SEC, 20SEC, 30SEC |
Minute | 1MIN, 2MIN, 3MIN, 4MIN, 5MIN, 6MIN, 10MIN, 15MIN, 20MIN, 30MIN |
Hour | 1HRS, 2HRS, 3HRS, 4HRS, 6HRS, 8HRS, 12HRS |
Day | 1DAY, 2DAY, 3DAY, 5DAY, 7DAY, 10DAY |
You can also get a full list of supported time periods available for requesting exchange rates historical timeseries data by using this request:
For OHLCV timeseries data:
Time unit |
Period identifiers |
Second | 1SEC, 2SEC, 3SEC, 4SEC, 5SEC, 6SEC, 10SEC, 15SEC, 20SEC, 30SEC |
Minute | 1MIN, 2MIN, 3MIN, 4MIN, 5MIN, 6MIN, 10MIN, 15MIN, 20MIN, 30MIN |
Hour | 1HRS, 2HRS, 3HRS, 4HRS, 6HRS, 8HRS, 12HRS |
Day | 1DAY, 2DAY, 3DAY, 5DAY, 7DAY, 10DAY |
Month | 1MTH, 2MTH, 3MTH, 4MTH, 6MTH |
Year | 1YRS, 2YRS, 3YRS, 4YRS, 5YRS |
You can also get a full list of supported time periods available for requesting OHLCV timeseries data by using this request:
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